
Get in-depth reporting on the challenges facing regulatory agencies and the solutions that empower agencies to transform operations and modernize services.

The consequences of using outdated software

The consequences of using outdated software

To function efficiently, regulatory agencies rely upon the quality of their software and the reliability of their software vendors. Bad things happen when agency officials choose the wrong vendor or rely upon a state IT department that fails to keep software up to date.

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Avoid system outages, public harm

Avoid system outages, public harm

What happens when the computer system that supports your agency’s work experiences an outage? Officials in Maryland could tell you. In late June, what has been described as a “catastrophic hardware failure” to a state data system compromised the ability of the state...

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Establish disaster recovery protocols

Establish disaster recovery protocols

To protect your agency, you depend on your IT department, hosting center and software vendor to provide disaster recovery protocols. But what happens when they fail to establish these protocols, leaving your agency’s information vulnerable? When a disaster strikes,...

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Use Online License Verification Websites

Use Online License Verification Websites

Your agency helps the public verify information about professionals and practitioners they wish to hire. What happens when your agency fails to provide accurate and current information? Unfortunately, incorrect public verification information leads the public to make...

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Follow up on failed inspections

Follow up on failed inspections

Your agency protects the public by following up on failed inspections. But what if your current system lacks the ability to perform that follow up? Without that support, inspectors must use a time-consuming manual reinspection process that can allow violators to slip...

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Track enforcement procedures to protect the public

Track enforcement procedures to protect the public

To protect the public, your agency must enforce regulations in a consistent and timely manner. But what if your agency lacks documentation on how to execute enforcement processes? When your agency fails to enforce requirements and statutes correctly, unqualified...

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Track license application requirements

Track license application requirements

Your agency must verify that license applicants satisfy all requirements. What if your agency lacks the ability to track such information automatically? Unfortunately, the inability to track requirements sometimes results in unqualified applicants gaining approval,...

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Track data changes to protect the public

Track data changes to protect the public

To protect the public, your agency needs to track the prior names and addresses of licensees and businesses. Too often, applicants with prior offenses will try to slip through your background check process by using aliases. Likewise, some businesses with spotty track...

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Leading for the greater good

Leading for the greater good

Too often, people think leadership is about where the leader wants to go. Untrue. Leadership is about getting the group where it needs to be. Leadership is about sacrificing your time and talent in service of the greater good. You can be the person who gives of...

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