Inspectors spend most of their time in the field and often record their findings the old-fashioned way: on paper. That’s a problem. Agency staff must enter those details into the agency’s computer system later, slowing the inspection process and increasing the risk of data-entry errors. Mobile inspections save time and reduce mistakes. Inspection results flow directly into the system from the field, speeding up the process and ensuring accuracy.

Inadequate inspections erode public safety

Failing to conduct inspections in a timely manner can put the public at risk and harm your agency’s reputation. It can even result in legal action. The Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services was sued in 2007 for alleged abuse at two state facilities. A significant factor in the suit was the agency’s inability to keep up with inspections. As a result of the case, the agency sought a software system to ensure regulatory compliance and chose GL Solutions’ GL Suite applications. The agency’s needs included the ability to perform remote inspections using mobile devices.

GL Suite supports remote inspections

GL Solutions produces electronic inspections forms to enable inspections in the field, eliminating paper and allowing instant transmission of results to the GL Suite application. The mobile device retains data for inspections that occur offline. The data is transmitted when an internet connection is re-established.

GL Suite enables inspectors to perform both scheduled and ad-hoc inspections. The application pushes scheduled inspections to each inspector’s mobile device, ensuring access to the latest information.

Learn more about Child Care Licensing Solutions

Learn more about our Child Care Licensing solutions.

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