Agency Modernization

A revolutionary approach to true agency modernization, our Agency Transformation service is the next step in the evolution of GL Suite— for current and new customers alike.


The COVID-19 pandemic changed the way regulatory agencies operate—and the ways customers expect to interact with them. Government agencies have been forced to adapt to remote work, multiple locations, and web-based workflows. And the public expects a simple, modern online experience similar to what they receive from private companies. In addition, states have access to COVID-related federal funds supporting modernization, making this a pivotal moment for government regulatory agencies across the nation.

GL Suite’s Agency Transformation service moves beyond scattered improvements, instead implementing a truly strategic model of digital transformation. We take a consultative approach, working alongside your agency to perform a deep analysis of your permitting and licensing systems and processes. Then we craft a detailed plan following the five phases of Agency Transformation.

No matter where you are in your own modernization journey, GL Solutions can guide you to where you want to be.



Process Standardization Phase


Service Standard






Phase 1: Capacity Building

In Phase 1 of the Agency Transformation process, your regulatory agency begins to grow its capabilities (what you can do) and its capacity (how quickly or how often you can do those things).

These start with pulling together the raw materials needed to understand the issues your agency faces: where are the bottlenecks and process or performance weaknesses?

During the Capacity Building phase, we work with your agency to develop clear and compelling objectives for your digital transformation. We also build out a project plan, schedule, and cost estimate.

How it looks: Advancing technology, growing case complexity, and the need for a cybersecurity response have changed the unique needs at your regulatory agency, leading you to consider our Agency Transformation service and regulatory software solutions. We work with your agency to identify goals and craft a plan to meet those goals for a regulatory software solution.

Phase 2: Process Standardization

In Phase 2, your agency defines its business processes. Before this phase, most agencies have poorly defined processes and little control of those processes. Employees may complete tasks in different ways, and controls to make sure every step has been followed are piecemeal at best.

During Process Standardization, you define the right way to do the work (and the right tools to do it in). Then you standardize your staff on a single, vetted process that follows best practices and meets regulatory compliance.

How it looks: We review the current systems and back-end processes at your agency, determining how to bring them up to date and unifying them on a single set of processes.

Phase 3: Customer Service Standard

With well-defined processes established, it’s time to bring your public-facing permitting and licensing services online. Your customers expect the ability to interact online, and GL Suite supports this transition with modern, public-facing websites and portals.

Agencies that have completed Phase 3 reduce paper reliance and manual “busy work,” balancing out staff load: by giving the constituent or licensee a self-service online portal, your agency can automatically feed permitting and licensing data directly into GL Suite and associated systems.

How it looks: Here we add a host of customer-centric online capabilities for the agency, including online renewals, verification sites, and a licensure verification portal.

Phase 4: Integrated Service

Digital customer portals are a crucial step in your Agency Transformation journey, but they aren’t the final step. Your standardized business processes and online presence need to integrate into a holistic system—free of information silos and manual steps.

In Phase 3, your agency implemented individual or isolated digital tools and portals. In Phase 4, those systems expand and enmesh, creating an integrated digital-first service platform—built on and powered by GL Suite. Communications, project and task management, documentation, review process and more all exist in a single integrated digital platform.
Customer-facing and internal tools will also be responsive/mobile-friendly, expanding customer ease of use and transforming your field agents’ capabilities and response times.

How it looks: We integrate your agency’s new standardized processes and customer-focused digital tools.

Phase 5: Model Agency

After Phase 4, your agency is functioning better than seemed possible at the start of the Agency Transformation journey. But you haven’t yet reached a state of continuous improvement. Now it’s time to become a Model Agency—an agency that others can reference as they pursue their own modernization efforts.

Here your agency adds tools of operational excellence that can measure performance, identify and resolve process exceptions, and demonstrate value to stakeholders.

Agencies using a regulatory software solution like GL Suite can add this analytics layer to the platform they built over the previous phases, giving them automatic data collection and insights. Other advanced functions like batch processing come online and continue improving during this phase.

How it looks: With a truly integrated system and seamless digital-first workflows in place, your agency implements GL Suite’s analytics layer, gaining real-time insights that power continuous improvement in permitting and licensing processes. In time, you become a model for other government regulatory agencies to emulate.

It’s Time to Modernize.
It’s Time for Agency Transformation.

Wherever you are as a government regulatory agency, it’s time to modernize. More than that, it’s time for strategic Agency Transformation.

Whether you’re at Phase 1, Phase 3 or Phase 0, the crucial thing is to start moving forward. We’re already engaged in Agency Transformation initiatives in Minnesota, Arizona, Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, and New Mexico—and this list continues to grow. When you’re ready, we’re here to be your guide in digital transformation.

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