by Marketing | Jan 4, 2021 | Blog, Child Care Licensing, Integrated Guidance, Licensing and Permitting, Specialized Solutions
Do your agency’s inspectors miss appointments? Does your agency sometimes pay unnecessary overtime and mileage because inspections are not mapped and scheduled efficiently? If so, you need mobile inspection functionality that schedules inspections according to...
by Marketing | Dec 14, 2020 | Blog, Industry Expertise, Licensing and Permitting, Specialized Solutions
Inspectors need up-to-date information to work efficiently and accurately. Too often, however, the information at their disposal is old and incomplete, leading to incorrect inspections and even incorrectly issued permits. Ensure accuracy by providing access to the...
by Marketing | Jul 16, 2020 | Blog, Specialized Solutions
To protect your agency, you depend on your IT department, hosting center and software vendor to provide disaster recovery protocols. But what happens when they fail to establish these protocols, leaving your agency’s information vulnerable? When a disaster strikes,...
by Marketing | Jul 2, 2020 | Blog, Industry Expertise, Licensing and Permitting, Specialized Solutions
Your agency protects the public by following up on failed inspections. But what if your current system lacks the ability to perform that follow up? Without that support, inspectors must use a time-consuming manual reinspection process that can allow violators to slip...
by Marketing | May 5, 2020 | Blog, Specialized Solutions
You need to present agency metrics to your board. You strive to communicate budget, performance and other relevant key performance indicators (KPIs) in an accurate – and compelling – way. However, your current system cannot generate or present metrics. Use...
by Marketing | Apr 28, 2020 | Blog, Licensing and Permitting, Specialized Solutions
After board meetings, your staff must process board decisions and update related records, sometimes by the hundreds. This can require a significant amount of time, especially when staff must enter information manually in multiple places. A system that stores...