by Marketing | Jul 1, 2023 | Blog, Implementation, Industry Expertise, Modernization, News, Newsletter
Over the years, I’ve taken an interest in engagement, partly for obvious professional reasons and partly because, well, I find people interesting. Here are some suggested tools, resources and thoughts related to engagement: Gallup and the Q12 Gallup does a nice job of...
by Marketing | Jun 19, 2023 | Blog, Industry Expertise, Licensing and Permitting, Modernization
Arizona Barbering and Cosmetology Board’s Executive Director Frank Migali shares the return on investment of positive customer experiences and how he validates the success of changes at his agency in an interview with GL Solutions. GL: Can you share a change or...
by Marketing | Jun 19, 2023 | Blog, Child Care Licensing, Implementation, Specialized Solutions
If anyone deserves labor-saving technology, it’s licensing specialists with child-services agencies. There are so many demands on their time they often struggle to keep up with work. But if they make a mistake, a child could be placed in a dangerous foster home or...
by Marketing | Jun 14, 2023 | Blog, Implementation, Industry Expertise, Licensing and Permitting, Modernization, Podcast
Arizona Barbering and Cosmetology Board’s Executive Director Frank Migali shares how he drives successful change at his agency, including his vision of providing “world-class customer care.” One change he made to modernize communications saved his agency $60,000...
by Marketing | Jun 8, 2023 | Blog, Firearms Permitting, Licensing and Permitting, Specialized Solutions
Sales of handguns and other weapons are setting records in many states. Amid this surge, lawmakers and regulatory officials continue to juggle the needs of firearm owners, public safety professionals and the general public. Despite such differences, people across the...
by Marketing | May 31, 2023 | Blog, Industry Expertise, Licensing and Permitting, News
Filling the Talent Pipeline at State Agencies Research from the National Association of State Chief Administrators (NASCA) focuses on ways to fill job vacancies in state government. According to Bridging talent gaps: a post pandemic priority for state CAOs, the Chief...