It’s time to bring licensing and permitting into the 21st century. We guide you in modernizing your regulatory agency with automated digital licensing and permitting solutions tailored to your unique needs.

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Next for AI in Regulatory Agencies: AI Sandboxes

Next for AI in Regulatory Agencies: AI Sandboxes

Next for AI in Regulatory Agencies: AI Sandboxes AT the NASCIO Midyear Conference, CIOs described their use of AI sandboxes as a way for state agencies to experiment with AI. Georgia, for example, uses an innovation lab for state agencies to try AI and “fail fast, if...

GL Solutions relies on our experienced, knowledgeable employees to achieve our mission to help governments run, grow and adapt. But we couldn’t do everything we do without valued industry partnerships.

Mont. CIO on the Biggest Threat to State Government from Generative AI

Montana CIO and co-chair of the National Association of State Chief Information Officers’ Generative AI Working Group, Kevin Gilbertson, shares the benefits and challenges of generative AI. On the August 8 NASCIO Voices podcast he offers advice to users, such as using AI on topics you feel familiar with. He also presents the threats posed by generative AI. When asked what he sees as the number one threat to state government from generative AI, Gilbertson responded, “number one would be simply not taking advantage of it at all. We can’t ignore it.” Gilbertson said he is currently drafting an AI document to provide guidance to Montana agencies.

N.H Board of Mental Health Practice Accused of ‘Dereliction of Duty’

New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu accused the state’s Board of Mental Health Practice of ‘dereliction of duty’ for failing to make required licensing changes. Sununu set a deadline of Sept. 1 for the board to file the proposed rules that relate to conditional licenses. The law Sununu signed two years ago, according to the Eagle-Tribune on August 9, mandated that the board write rules to create conditional licenses for social workers, mental health workers and marriage and family therapists.

Minn. Begins Building New Child-Focused Agency

This year the Minnesota legislature created a new agency, the Department of Children, Youth and Families, to oversee children-focused state programs that previously resided in other agencies. According to the Minnesota Reformer on August 7, the new 1,000-employee state agency centers on the “well-being of children and families.” Tikki Brown, DHS assistant commissioner of children and family services hopes to improve services by better coordinating those services.

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