by Marketing | Oct 22, 2024 | Blog, Integrated Guidance, Licensing and Permitting
To keep the public safe, your agency performs background checks on potential licensees. These background checks, however, take up staff time, especially if you lack an automated background check process. Manual data entry is slow and prone to error. Public safety also...
by Marketing | Feb 22, 2023 | Industry Expertise, Licensing and Permitting, News
Kan. Considers Joining Interstate Teaching Compact A bill in the Kansas Senate, SB 66, helps to ease teacher licensing in Kansas by joining an interstate teacher licensing compact. The compact mandates that all states within the interstate compact grant teaching...
by Marketing | Jun 2, 2020 | Firearms Permitting, Licensing and Permitting, Newsletter
GL Solutions’ software helps meet real agency needs—like automated background checks. Read how these clients succeed using GL Solutions automated background check interfaces. Background Checks for Firearms Purhases The Connecticut State Department of Emergency...