GL Solutions’ software helps meet real agency needs—like automated background checks. Read how these clients succeed using GL Solutions automated background check interfaces.

Background Checks for Firearms Purhases

The Connecticut State Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection uses background checks to ensure that felons, the mentally ​ill and others not legally allowed to buy or own firearms do not do so. Inadequate or inaccurate background checks could result in shootings and other avoidable loss of life and expose the responsible agency to large lawsuits or even criminal liability.

Background Checks on Healthcare Providers

Background checks enable the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services to confirm that licensed nurses do not have events in their background that should prevent them from working with patients. A background check is completed and confirmed every time a new nurse applies to be licensed and every time a nurse takes a new job. Faulty background checks might allow potentially dangerous people to work with vulnerable patients, which could lead to abuse or other harm.

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