by Renee Moseley | Jul 23, 2024 | Blog, Firearms Permitting, Industry Expertise, Licensing and Permitting, Modernization, News
CJIS Security Policy Modernized to Protect State Cybersecurity The FBI is in the midst of updating the Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Security Policy—with new iterations in the works, according to GovTech on July 17. John C. “Chris” Weatherly,...
by Renee Moseley | Jul 22, 2024 | Blog, Industry Expertise, Licensing and Permitting, Modernization
As a government agency, you face constant pressure to improve efficiency, transparency and accountability for the public you serve. Your agency reporting processes often consume significant time and resources, potentially hindering your staff’s ability to focus on...
by Renee Moseley | Jul 17, 2024 | Blog, Case Management, Child Care Licensing, Firearms Permitting, Implementation, Industry Expertise, Licensing and Permitting, Modernization, News, Webinars
Join GL Solutions for our Client Updates Webinar to learn about our innovative changes, including our improved project process. GL Solutions’ Vice President of Business Solutions Sam Hardin guides you through a discussion of these changes and provides helpful...
by Renee Moseley | Jul 16, 2024 | Blog, Implementation, Industry Expertise, Licensing and Permitting, Modernization
Trying to grasp the basics of StateRAMP? A member of the StateRAMP Provider Leadership Council tackles your frequently asked questions. Bill Moseley, a member of the council and CEO of GL Solutions, sheds light on StateRAMP FAQs—from the many benefits to the technical...
by Renee Moseley | Jul 3, 2024 | Blog, Industry Expertise, Licensing and Permitting, Modernization
Your regulatory agency heard the call to modernize, receiving cash from the federal government to improve your outdated licensing systems. As a government leader, ask yourself the following questions to guide your modernization efforts. Then use your answers, along...
by Renee Moseley | Jun 25, 2024 | Blog, Firearms Permitting, Industry Expertise, Licensing and Permitting, Specialized Solutions
As your agency grapples with increasing workloads and the need to uphold public safety, outdated systems hinder efficiency and create vulnerabilities. Modernizing firearm licensing and tracking with dedicated regulatory software offers a powerful solution to...