
Get in-depth reporting on the challenges facing regulatory agencies and the solutions that empower agencies to transform operations and modernize services.

Track Residential Beds of Licensed Care Providers

Track Residential Beds of Licensed Care Providers

Article updated on June 1, 2023. If your agency regulates residential facilities for children and vulnerable adults, safety is your primary focus. But availability matters, too. Your agency, then, must ensure not only that your providers meet health and safety...

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Hate board meeting prep? Then automate the process

Hate board meeting prep? Then automate the process

Preparing for a board meeting takes time. Lots of time. Each item that appears on an agenda, from a rule change to a disciplinary case, requires supporting information. The people involved must be notified. And your board must receive a complete packet far enough in...

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How Inspections Software Can Keep Children Safe

How Inspections Software Can Keep Children Safe

Article updated on June 1, 2023. Why do regulatory officials inspect facilities that serve children and vulnerable adults? The reasons are obvious. Yet audits that describe unsanitary and hazardous conditions at group homes and similar facilities appear with alarming...

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Automate Tracking, Auditing of Continuing Education

Automate Tracking, Auditing of Continuing Education

Facilities that serve children and other vulnerable people are only as good as their caregivers. State regulators ensure that caregivers are competent by managing requirements for continuing education.  To manage continuing education, agencies may engage in several...

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Fast, thorough background checks keep officers, public safe

Fast, thorough background checks keep officers, public safe

Whether your state controls access to firearms tightly or allows adults to carry concealed weapons without obtaining a license, law enforcement officials and retailers need to perform background checks quickly and accurately. Interfaces allow the system to search the...

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Solve Crimes Quickly with Accurate Firearms Tracing

Solve Crimes Quickly with Accurate Firearms Tracing

Even as nonviolent crime dipped across the country in 2020, homicides soared. Over the first nine months of the year, the number of killings exceed 2019 numbers by almost 21%, according to The Washington Post. The trend affected small cities as well as large ones....

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N.D. Appraiser Board Moving Processes Online

N.D. Appraiser Board Moving Processes Online

Increasingly, professional licensing agencies are leveraging GL Suite’s labor-saving ability to support online applications, renewals and other activities. Among them is the North Dakota Real Estate Appraiser Qualifications and Ethics Board, which licenses appraisers,...

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