
Get in-depth reporting on the challenges facing regulatory agencies and the solutions that empower agencies to transform operations and modernize services.

Security the Main Legacy Issue Facing States

Security the Main Legacy Issue Facing States

Results of State Government Modernization Research A survey of state technology directors reveals that security ranks first on the list of legacy application issues facing states. Other top answers include software maintenance upgrades limited or unavailable, as well...

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3 Legislative Actions Affecting Your State Agencies

3 Legislative Actions Affecting Your State Agencies

New state rules and regulations force your regulatory agency to constantly pivot—as you align your complex business processes with these legislative updates. Discover some of the latest legislative changes—and opportunities—confronting your agency. And learn how to...

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5 Steps to Mature in Your Agency Communications

5 Steps to Mature in Your Agency Communications

How well does your regulatory agency communicate—both externally with the public and internally with staff?  Review the following five steps and see where your agency falls. Then learn how to level up your agency’s communications. Step 1: Communicate your vision In...

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3 Regulatory Leaders Share Agency Optimization Strategies

3 Regulatory Leaders Share Agency Optimization Strategies

We gathered the essential tips from three regulatory leaders to optimize your regulatory agency. Learn from Dennis Seavers, Executive Director of the North Carolina Board of Barber Examiners, Amy S. Westermann, Chief Counsel for the State Tax Commission of Missouri...

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Why Modernization is Just the Start

Why Modernization is Just the Start

The Difference Between Agency Transformation and Agency Modernization The American Rescue Plan Act provides funds and highlights the need to modernize regulatory software. And as a regulatory agency you strive to modernize the way you serve the public, as well as the...

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State government application modernization under stress

State government application modernization under stress

2022 State CIO Application Modernization Report The National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) conducted a study during 2022 on the topic of state government application modernization. The study included an online survey and individual...

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Is your regulatory agency striving to be the best?

Is your regulatory agency striving to be the best?

What motivates regulatory leaders to improve their agency? And what does the ultimate agency look like?  Learn why leaders choose to transform their agency, as well as the resources they use on their journey towards a model agency. Tip: Take our quick Optimal Agency...

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The Great Resignation’s Impact on Regulatory Agencies

The Great Resignation’s Impact on Regulatory Agencies

How a Declining Workforce Impacts Agency Staff and Those They Serve According to the Rockefeller Institute of Government only the government and the leisure and hospitality sector now consistently see actual declines in workers. “What’s more,” according to the...

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