In search of meaning in a time of discord

In search of meaning in a time of discord

My recently completed term as a Bend city councilor affirmed my long-held hope and frustrations with government.  Local governments are a microcosm of the events that play out at higher levels of government and society.  You witness government in action without having...
The insights COVID gave me about working together

The insights COVID gave me about working together

The current pandemic offers valuable insights into what it means to work together – and really just be alive.  COIVD requires that we work together in different ways – oftentimes moving from in-person to electronic communications.  What was your experience of COVID...
Owning our reactions to people

Owning our reactions to people

I want to empower you by offering you what you already have – YOU.  We often make our satisfaction or happiness contingent on a client, on a smooth system, on a coworker doing their job correctly. Disempowerment, literally an abdication of self-responsibility, occurs...