The Arizona Barbering and Cosmetology Board is committed to protecting public health and safety by licensing, regulating, and educating individuals in the barbering and cosmetology industry. It ensures that all practitioners, schools and establishments comply with state laws and uphold the highest standards of service, thereby maintaining the integrity of the industry and promoting the well-being of the community.
Agency Transformation Phase: 4, Integrated Service
Opportunity: The agency grappled with operational inefficiencies stemming from manual and outdated processes, notably spending approximately $50,000 annually solely on postage for printing and mailing licenses.
Solution: GL Suite revolutionized the agency’s license application process by introducing automation. Licensees could now download their licenses and certifications digitally, even storing them in their Digital Wallets for convenience. Additionally, GL Suite enabled automated notifications throughout the application lifecycle, streamlining correspondence individually or in batches.
Opportunity: The agency faced concerns about fraudulent activity, a prevalent issue affecting state licensing boards. Leadership felt wary of potential fraud associated with digital certifications, especially within the Digital Wallet feature.
Solution: GL Solutions addressed these concerns by implementing QR Code functionality. This feature generated a unique QR code each time a license or certificate was downloaded, mitigating the risk of fraud. Furthermore, the QR code always links back to the agency’s public licensee search website, displaying the licensee’s portrait and relevant personal identifying information (PII) for verification purposes.