The State of Alabama Home Builders Licensure Board is dedicated to consumer protection, ensuring the public’s health, safety, and welfare in residential construction and remodeling. By regulating these industries and promoting professionalism and standards, the Board upholds integrity and excellence in home building and remodeling practices.
Agency Transformation Phase: 2, Process Standards
Opportunities and Solutions
Opportunity: The agency’s reliance on a dedicated room for paper files, spanning decades, led to inefficiencies in information retrieval and encouraged non-compliant data retention practices.
Solution: GL Suite facilitated the agency’s transition from a paper-based filing system to a digital one, automating the entire licensing process. This digitization allowed for efficient access to data, enhancing accountability and streamlining reporting while reducing errors and time spent generating reports. GL Suite enabled staff to establish retention policies, ensuring compliance with state requirements by automatically deleting outdated records and minimizing the risk of data breaches.
Opportunity: Agency staff were overwhelmed by customer support calls, particularly regarding password reset and sign-on issues, diverting valuable resources away from critical tasks such as processing applications and investigating complaints.
Solution: GL Suite’s self-service website features, including Single Sign-On functionality, empowered licensees to address login issues independently. Licensees could now reset their passwords and update contact information through self-service portals provided by GL Suite, freeing agency staff from the burden of troubleshooting login Opportunities and enabling them to focus on core responsibilities.
Client Profile: Alabama Home Builders Licensure Board
Interview with Suanne Parnell On Why Modernization is Worth It
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