Firearms Permitting Solutions

Protect the public and regulate properly by streamlining and integrating your regulatory agency’s tracking, background check and weapons permitting functions—including in POC (point of contact) states that experience many legislative changes. GL Solutions is a regulatory government software provider committed to public safety and keeping guns out of the wrong hands. Our highly configurable firearm licensing and tracing software application adapts to your unique needs and helps you improve public safety.

Modernize Your Regulatory Agency

GL Suite modernizes and transforms your weapons licensing system and related functions, giving public protection departments and state law enforcement a unified system for background checks, firearm serial number tracing, permitting, and ballistics retention. GL Suite is CJIS compliant with a CJIS Security Addendum to include the NICS database. Developed with over 25 years of government regulatory agency experience, GL Suite offers a modern approach to regulatory software that redefines what’s possible.


Self-Service Websites

Handle basic tasks, such as paying fees or submitting applications and renewals entirely online.

  • Free up staff time to spend on higher-value work and make customers happy.
  • Support two-way communication between end users and agency departments.

Background Checks

Keep the public safe with GL Solutions’ experience in interfacing with local and federal background check vendors like the FBI.

  • Ensure licensees are free from criminal records that exclude them from approval.
  • Meet data security standards with the CJIS-compliant GL Suite platform.

Third Party Integrations

Interfaces to and from third-party applications support data exchange between your agency and third parties.

  • Seamlessly exchange data with online payments, criminal record checks, information updates, exam scheduling, scoring, administration and more.
  • Interface with GL Suite from other applications with a documented API.

Robust Reporting

Use GL Suite’s powerful reporting tools to help you visualize information and interact with reports via an integrated dashboard.

  • Customize reporting to best meet agency needs.
  • Query data in the system and display information in real time with ad-hoc reporting.

Reminders and Notifications

Applicants and agency staff benefit from GL Suite’s highly configurable, automated alerts and notifications.

  • Notify applicants of approvals or upcoming renewal dates by email and text.
  • Alert agency staff of tasks, such as an applicant review or a complaint notice.
  • Automate your business processes and eliminate paper mailings.

Workflow Automation

Automate your processes, storing all relevant information and communication within GL Suite’s secure SaaS platform.

  • Eliminate or reduce repetitive manual tasks for staff through automation.
  • Easily send and track staff work, whether they work in office or remote.

Digital Communication

Going paperless is environmentally and economically savvy for your agency.

  • Slash paper use, delivery times and printing and mailing costs.
  • Communicate nearly instantly with electronic applications and renewals.
  • Keep communications secure to meet data retention requirements.

Licensee Verifications

License verification websites give the public access to real-time information about license, location and license duration.

  • Ensure public information appears online, while private information remains with staff.
  • Update information in real time.

Invoicing and Payment Processing

Interface with third-party payment processors, like PayPal, to ensure seamless online payment processing.

  • Retain payment history and receipts with confirmation numbers added to applicant records.
  • Integrate invoicing and reconciliation with advanced financial reporting functionality.

Online User Manuals

Our online user manuals, GL Suite’s Process Guides, lead your agency through your business process steps.

  • Keep track of your progress in the process, even marking where you left off.
  • Ensure completion of each step in a business process, leading to greater accuracy and efficiency.

Performance Monitoring

Measure, assess, track and respond to organization and team objectives with GL Suite’s performance monitoring.

  • View current performance based on established Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
  • Analyze supporting data and take corrective action.
  • Create visual representations of performance, highlighting trends with GL Suite’s PowerBI reports.

Complaint Intake

Reduce data entry required during intake while leveraging websites to lessen public complaint paperwork.

  • Speed up the process with data entry tools and decrease intake-related work. 
  • Optimize intake procedures with public websites that allow users to report complaints.

Enforcement Investigations

Schedule, assign and track investigations according to your schedule while retaining all information.

  • Launch investigations dictated by priorities and assign cases to investigators. 
  • Track investigations to completion from investigator notes to court appearances.
  • Save all information with the appropriate records in the system.

Continuing Education

Support the management, review, certification and maintenance of continuing education requirements.

  • Automatically categorize and calculate hours based on specific agency policies.
  • Ensure an applicant meets agency CE requirements before completing their application or renewal.

Board Meeting Management

Store and manage board meeting information, allowing your staff to generate review materials and agendas in advance.
View upcoming meetings and all records scheduled for review.

  • Automatically update records when meetings end.
  • Automate the production of board meeting packets, compiling all electronic files.

Keeping Officers Safe

For law enforcement officers, knowing what to expect in an encounter saves lives. With the right inputs, GL Suite provides context to law enforcement officers heading to calls or disputes about whether the person of interest has a firearms permit, including the quantity and makes and models of owned firearms. Similarly, officers in the field can search license plate numbers to generate a list of all firearms owned and permits held by the registered owner of a vehicle.

By arming first responders with greater knowledge and context about the situations they are about to approach, GL Suite helps law enforcement personnel stay safer as they work to protect the public.

Tracking Firearms & Getting Stolen Guns Off the Streets

GL Suite centralizes gun permits and federal firearm licenses into a modern integrated digital system that enables agencies to track gun permit applications and firearms more efficiently and effectively.

Capabilities GL Suite makes possible:

  • Tracking ownership in real time
  • Tracking number and types of guns
  • Identifying a firearm’s historic record of ownership

GL Suite also helps law enforcement agencies flag stolen firearms by connecting to state and federal regulatory systems and/or databases tracking stolen firearms. Exact matches are automatically flagged, while partial matches can be added to a list for manual verification.

Streamlining Background Checks & Applicant Interfaces

Systems for background checks are often separate from other firearm-related functions, leading to errors and inefficiencies as information is manually transferred or copied from one software system to another. GL Suite unifies numerous functions into a single system, eliminating manual work and gaps in communication.

  • Background checks
  • Weapons tracking
  • Applications and permit application management
  • Website creation
  • and many more

Firearms permitting agencies can also use the GL Suite application to create a unified portal for gun applicants, dealers and agency staff, streamlining both sides (applications and approvals/denials). By eliminating paper workflows along with duplicate and parallel processes, GL Suite enables regulatory agencies to scale their capacity while improving accuracy and safety.

Key Components of a Firearms Licensing System

Ensure public safety and uphold proper regulation by streamlining and integrating your agency’s processes for tracking, background checks and weapons permitting. A modernized firearms permitting system is essential for protecting the public and preventing firearms from falling into the wrong hands.

In this free white paper, we offer the tools and insights your agency needs to enhance efficiency, improve accuracy and ensure compliance with safety standards. From automating workflows to leveraging technology for secure data management, this resource equips you with actionable steps to build a more reliable and effective system. Take the lead in safeguarding your community with a permitting solution that prioritizes both security and efficiency.

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