Outdated Software Systems: A Matter of State Security

According to the Wall Street Journal, “technical debt,” such as outdated systems, “raises the risk of hacks and other breaches, even on new devices.” WSJ cites research, The Cost of Poor Software Quality in the US. The research focuses on three problem areas, including cybercrime losses because of software vulnerabilities.

Settlement Mandates Maine DHHS Reform Use of Psychotropic Drugs Given to Foster Children

A settlement reached over a 2021 lawsuit requires that Maine’s Department of Health and Human Services improve practices for giving foster children psychotropic drugs. According to the Portland Press Herald on March 1, the parties agreed to three reforms, including improving the medical records system at DHHS.  The lawsuit alleged that foster kids were given psychotropic drugs without sufficient safeguards in place.

Ark. Schools Hiring Unlicensed Teachers to Cope with Staff Shortages

According to the Arkansas Advocate on March 4, one in 12 Arkansas teachers are unlicensed or teaching outside of their certification area. That number doubled in the past year, an analysis of state data found. The article also examines research on the impact of teacher certification on student success. When asked for comment, a spokeswoman for the Arkansas Department of Education said, “research shows that the most important factor in student achievement is a high-quality teacher leading instruction in the classroom.”

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Neb. Lawmaker suggests breaking up Nebraska DHHS into three distinct departments

NASCIO’s Doug Robinson Discusses the Expanding Role of the State CIO

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