Q: We receive a lot of calls from users who forget their credentials/security answers to our websites. What can we do to better support them?

A:  Many regulatory agencies handle a high volume of calls—with a significant portion of those calls involving login issues. Those high call volumes lead to longer wait times and frustrated users. Addressing login issues frees up the phone lines for more pertinent concerns and supports the efficient use of staff resources and time.

How to best address login issues

Address online login issues by integrating your websites with some of the most commonly used platforms to login; some examples include Microsoft, Facebook and Google. The integration enables your licensees to login seamlessly, using credentials they frequently use.  The best part? If they forget, they can easily retrieve their credentials without reaching out to agency staff.  This provides the user with immediate resolution for login issues. In addition, the feature keeps agency websites standardized with most other websites commonly used, like Amazon and Netflix.

North Dakota Login Open ID

How to support your staff with login issues

Ensure that your agency’s licensing software syncs with your agency’s active directory to include their staff account information; this includes credentials, security rights and employment statuses. By making that change, you eliminate the need to call your software provider to reset staff passwords. Possibly even better, you no longer need to configure staff security in your licensing application; this automatically updates as their staff account updates. Lastly, as your employees come and go, you no longer need to activate or inactivate them in your application.

Simplify login at your agency

If you have any questions or are interested in this solution, call us at (971) 337-2659 or email us at hello@glsolutions.com.

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GL Solutions helps governments run, grow and adapt. To learn more, explore our website, call us at 800.930.1193 or email us at hello@glsolutions.com.