Eight Ways to Use AI at your Agency
Research by the Virginia IT Agency recommends eight practical uses for artificial intelligence at state agencies. VITA’s Enterprise Architecture Technical Brief focuses on use cases for chatbots, as well as for ChatGPT. The February report also gives examples of how Virginia agencies use Chatbots.
N.C. Bill Aims to Increase Child Care Workforce
North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper signed a bill into law that recognizes credentials for child care development associates (CDA). Recognizing these credentials means more workers to care for young children, according to yahoo!life on July 11. “With the passage of this legislation, which formally recognizes the CDA as an educational credential within North Carolina’s star-rated licensing system, the Child Care Commission, which serves as the rule-making body for the N.C. Division of Child Development and Early Education will now begin to consider the specifics of how these two credentials will be recognized (i.e. how many points will be awarded) for staff members with CDAs within the education component of a child care program star rating,” explains Janet Singerman, the president & CEO of the non-profit Child Care Resources Inc.
Marijuana Potency and Contamination Regulations Vary from State to State
The 47 states that allow some cannabis use regulate the potency and contamination of cannabis differently. And a lack of uniform testing standards has led to inconsistent lab results. Some states have recalled products that were cleared for sale despite the presence of harmful contaminants, according to Stateline. In May 2022, for example, the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority suspended a lab’s license after regulators uncovered samples with mold, salmonella or E. coli.
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