COVID changed the way we work—including how child care licensing agencies function. The pandemic showcased the need for new ways to serve the public, shifting from in-person to online services. Agencies adapted to remote work, multiple locations, and for some, web-based workflows. Child Carelicensing agencies joined other regulatory agencies in feeling pressure from all levels of government to modernize, even receiving funds to make that happen. These modernization funds encouraged regulatory agencies to digitally transform their agency’s systems.

But keeping up with modernization efforts means additional work for child care licensing agencies, not to mention understanding current technology and services like StateRAMP, cloud hosting and more. And child care licensing officials already face labor-intensive work—including checking off many requirements for providers.

Despite these challenges, the safety of children remains paramount. Child Carelicensing agencies need to confront aging technology and embrace transformation.

We describe a new way to modernize your agency—moving step by step through an agency transformation process. Five phases take you from crafting your agency’s mission and processes to serving as a pillar agency for other states to emulate.

Read our guide to modernize your child care agency: Key Components of a Child Care Licensing System.

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