Update: Effects of the Supreme Court’s Decision on Gun Regulations

New research reveals that last year’s Bruen case overturned over a dozen gun laws. In New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen the Supreme Court struck down a longstanding public carry law in New York. According to Politico, the author of a forthcoming Duke Law Journal article finds that “more than a dozen state and federal laws have been invalidated in whole or in part since the Bruen decision. Thirty percent of civil cases and nearly 4 percent of criminal cases that have cited Bruen have resulted in the invalidation of gun control provisions, among 284 total decisions addressing Second Amendment claims.” Politico interviews Jacob D. Charles about his Duke article draft: The Dead Hand of a Silent Past: Bruen, Gun Rights, and the Shackles of History.

U.S. States that Participate in the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact

As of July, 39 states, along with the Territory of Guam and the District of Columbia have joined the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact. An interactive map on the IMLC website shows the status of a state’s participation in the IMLC—and directs you to the legislation related to the compact in that state. According to the website for the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact, the compact offers a path to licensure for physicians who want to practice in multiple states.

Nev. Cannabis Consumption Lounge License Approved in Nevada

The Nevada Cannabis Compliance Board approved the state’s first conditional license for a cannabis consumption lounge. According to High Times, LA Lounge LLC received the first conditional cannabis consumption license for a business that is not a dispensary. At a recent meeting, the CCB adopted new rules regarding air ventilation requirements that make it easier for applicants to comply with.

Top 3 Reasons State Employees Leave Their Jobs

Regulatory agencies, like other state agencies, struggle with filling open positions and retaining workers. State and Local Workforce: 2023 Survey Findings from June 2023 offers a range of data and possible workforce solutions for state government, from those dropping degree requirements to the number offering hiring bonuses. Researchers asked survey takers to list the top three reasons their employees leave their jobs—as indicated during their exit interviews; the top three reasons state and local employees leave their jobs, according to respondents include: compensation not competitive, retirement and advancement with another public employer.

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