Article updated on June 1, 2023.
If your agency regulates residential facilities for children and vulnerable adults, safety is your primary focus. But availability matters, too. Your agency, then, must ensure not only that your providers meet health and safety requirements, but also that group homes and similar facilities provide the capacity you need where you need it. Tracking beds help your agency address capacity challenges.
Bed Tracking in Practice
What does bed tracking look like in practice? It looks like a system built recently for an agency that licenses providers of residential facilities for children and adults with developmental and mental-health disabilities. The comprehensive system automates licensing, investigations and enforcement. In addition, it tracks residential treatment beds by type and location. The data, which is displayed in a graphical Business Intelligence report, can support the expedited licensing of applications in some circumstances.
Bed Tracking Possibilities
The system, which uses Microsoft’s sophisticated database technology, can track beds in other ways as well. An agency could use the system to track both individuals and beds with specific services and locations, providing a real-time snapshot of availability.
Learn More
Learn more about GL Solutions’ Child Care Licensing Solutions.