Pa. Revamps State Nursing Home Regulations
Pennsylvania’s Independent Regulatory Commission approved new Department of Health regulations for nursing homes in Pa. on October 28. The new rules include higher staffing levels for the state’s nearly 700 nursing homes. The regulations also limit the number of patients that nursing assistants take care of. According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, “the goal of the new rules on ownership and licensing is to get a better handle on who should be held accountable for care. Nursing home ownership has become increasingly complex, as for-profit operators have taken over the majority of the sector.”
Tenn. State CIO on the Most Pressing Issues for State CIOs
The National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) interviewed NASCIO President and Tennessee State CIO Stephanie Dedmon November 8 about the most pressing issues for her colleagues. Her “pressing concerns” include retention and competing for talent, especially for workers with skills related to emerging technologies. Other concerns include the “faster than ever” pace of technology, along with how to plan for services and deliver those services.
N.C. Teacher Licensure Model Moves to State Board of Education
A North Carolina state commission trying to revamp teacher licensure and pay structures approved a blueprint to send to the State Board of Education, according to NC Policy Watch on November 10. The proposed model creates a system of entry-level certifications to increase the number of teachers. One certification, for example, enables educators with associate’s degrees to teach while they earn their bachelor’s degrees. The “Blueprint for Action,” lists 10 items, including to: “build and fund a compensation and reward model that reflects the importance and value of the teaching profession, and that attracts and retains people in the profession.”
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