Minn. Sheriff Faces Sanctions in DUI Crash

A Minnesota county sheriff may face license sanctions related to an alcohol-related accident. Hennepin County Sheriff David Hutchison crashed his county-owned vehicle while driving home from the Minnesota Sheriffs’ Association Winter Conference. His blood alcohol content at the time was 0.13, well above the limit allowed by state law, according to KARE News. On Dec, 10, he was charged with four misdemeanors. If convicted, he could be sanctioned by the state Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training.

Mich. Student Busted for Bathroom Barber Shop

A Michigan high school student received a one-day suspension in November when teachers discovered that he was running a barber shop in a school bathroom. According to Fox News, 16-year-old Detroit student Cameron Tucker practiced his craft on his cousins before setting up shop in the third-floor bathroom of Renaissance High School. Tucker has since received pointers from Sebastian Jackson, a well-known Detroit barber, whose clients include Jalen Rose and Big Sean.

Ohio Judge Faces Suspension for Misconduct

The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has recommended that the law license of a Cleveland Municipal Court judge be suspended for two years for multiple instances of misconduct. According to News 5 Cleveland, the board filed a 58-page report with the Supreme Court of Ohio Dec. 10 that contains an extensive list of Judge Pinkey Susan Carr’s infractions, which include ignoring an order to suspend courthouse activities during the COVID pandemic.

Frustrated Hawaii Parents Remove Kids from Public Schools

Thousands of Hawaii families are sticking with their decision to move their children to private schools or to home-school them despite the extra work and financial sacrifice. According to Honolulu Civil Beat, many families decided to move their children out of public schools during the COVID pandemic as a result of extended distance learning and school closures. Many are not going back.


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