Q: What do you like most about working at GL Solutions?

A: I really enjoy solving our clients’ challenging, complex problems while working with bright, dedicated friends. It is very rewarding having fun together and knowing that we have built something together that we could not have done individually – and that makes a difference.

Q: What is your title and how long have you worked at GL Solutions?

A: I am currently serving in the role of Vice President for Operations and have been a part of GL Solutions for 17 years.

Q: What sort of work do you do each day to meet GL Solutions’ mission: help governments run, grow and adapt?

A: I support and lead our Operations Department managers and staff to produce and deliver great software for our clients, so that they can use technology and services to effectively fulfill their own mission.

Q: What is something most people don’t know about you?

A: I travelled to Oregon in 2004 – on a whim – by driving across the country from my home state of Maine. My plan was to spend a few months, or maybe a year, just being a post-college couch surfer. To pay the bills for this temporary arrangement, I began working at GL Solutions as a Quality Assurance Specialist. In a few months, I discovered that GL Solutions was where I wanted to stay and met my (then-future) wife – and the rest is history.


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Run, Grow and Adapt

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GL Solutions helps governments run, grow and adapt. To learn more, explore our website, call us at 800.930.1193 or email us at hello@glsolutions.com.