five: What do you like most about working at GL Solutions?
A: My team. We are an eclectic group of people that are helpful and kind to each other, as cliched as that sounds. Everyone else in the office may not think we are that awesome, as you can probably hear us laughing all the way at the other end of the building some days. We can have fun while being just as or more productive than if we weren’t laughing or having a good time.
Q: What is your title and how long have you worked at GL Solutions?
A: Quality Assurance Specialist since August.
Q: What sort of work do you do each day to meet our mission: GL Solutions helps governments run, grow and adapt?
A: I help the clients achieve their end goal by helping my teammates test and correct software and thoroughly document the process; for either the next team to continue to work on, for future use, or for the client to understand without having any technical knowledge. It can be anywhere from the little missteps to larger issues to be tested and/or corrected, so government agencies can run more smoothly, which in turn makes everything else within an organization easier and makes room for them to grow.
Q: What is something most people don’t know about you?
A: I am from a large family. I am the oldest of 13 (full) siblings. If you already knew that, then here are a few random facts about me. I’ve been skydiving. I hate coffee. I’m addicted to sugar. The youngest of my three kids will be graduating in about five years (yikes!), and then hopefully I can travel and/or move somewhere warm because I am always freezing cold. But I still and always will love my home state of Montana.
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