Q: What do you like most about working at GL Solutions?
A: I admire the people I work with for their motivation and dedication toward their work. GL provides a great workspace and I have learned a lot since I became a part of the GL Team. There is always something new to learn. I consider myself fortunate to work in a field that is constantly growing with new ideas.
Q: What is your title and when did you start working at GL Solutions?
A: I am a Quality Assurance Specialist and I have been a part of the GL Solutions team since April 19th.
Q: What sort of work do you do each day to meet our mission: GL Solutions helps governments run, grow, and adapt?
A: I think every single day I push myself to strive and achieve high levels of quality in whatever I do. I always keep in mind Create Client Wins and this statement usually motivates me to a great degree.
Q: What is something most people don’t know about you?
A: I used to teach Medical Anthropology in India. I was lucky to devote a few years of my life learning about this fascinating and riveting subject and I still love exploring articles on such topics.
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