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Q: What do you like most about working at GL Solutions?
A: I enjoy the opportunity to design solutions and product features that work great for clients, and can be efficiently designed, configured and tested within GL Solutions’ process. I feel lucky for the relationships I’ve been able to enjoy while working here over the years. Achieving goals amongst friends is fun and rewarding.
Q: What is your title and how long have you worked at GL Solutions?
A: I am currently Product Manager and have worked here for almost 17 years. I have held many roles throughout the years including Software Support Specialist, Software Developer, Development Team Manager, BA Team Manager and Strategy Team Manager.
Q: What sort of work do you do each day to meet GL Solutions’ mission: help government agencies protect the public?
A: I design new features into the core product of GL Suite, most recently this includes Email Management with the ability for clients to use non-Outlook based email systems with GL Suite, including Gmail. Similarly, we are currently working on a solution for clients that use Google Docs instead of MS Word and Excel so that they can still get full GL Suite functionality. A second area I focus on is creating our best practices for design, configuration and testing, so that our teams are producing software in a standardized, high quality and reproducible way. Finally, I also work on new market development for GL Solutions.
Q: What is something most people don’t know about you?
A: I once lived for a year in Steamboat Springs, CO about 20 years ago during a pause in my career path. During this time, I worked a resort job that didn’t pay much but I enjoyed free snowboarding, mountain biking and golf while getting the chance to live in a beautiful location in the middle of the Rockies.
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