Read the latest news and solutions for regulatory agencies in GL Solutions’ weekly newsletter. Our featured stories: Top 10 Regulatory News Stories States Fail to Meet Recommended Cybersecurity Goals StateRAMP Announces Adoption of StateRAMP CJIS-Aligned Overlay AI...
Lessons for Licensing Policy: 30 Years of Sunrise Reviews
A new report from the Institute for Justice examines 30 years of sunrise reviews and draws lessons for licensing policy. Sunrise reviews, according to Regulation Matters: a CLEAR conversation, refer to studies that examine the validity of proposed regulations. According to Kathy Sanchez, one of the reports co-authors, “most licenses being proposed don’t actually stand up to the scrutiny of sunrise. So they aren’t actually necessary to alleviate the public’s health and safety, and they don’t meet that objective sunrise criteria, either because there’s no evidence of harm by members of the occupation or the costs will somehow outweigh the benefits.” Listen to the podcast or read the transcript of CLEAR’s podcast: Sunrise Review and Right-sizing Occupational Regulation from June 14.
Va. Establishes Office of Regulatory Management
Virginia Gov. Youngkin signed an executive order, establishing the Office of Regulatory Management. According to the Shore Daily News on July 5, The ORM: “will streamline regulatory activities across the executive branch and manage cross-departmental functions such as regulations, permits, and grants. The ORM will review all agency regulations and initiate the “Unified Regulatory Plan” by which all agencies will annually publish a publicly available list of all expected regulations for the upcoming year. This Executive Order also calls for tracking new regulatory requirements for each new effective regulation and reviewing all existing regulations every four years.”
Tips For Supporting a Hybrid Government Workforce
To support your hybrid workforce, recognize things have changed. Duane Schell, Chief Technology Officer for the state of North Dakota explains, “One of our early challenges was the realization that home Wi-Fi networks are not nearly as robust as we think they are.” GovLoop’s online training session, How to Support the Hybrid Gov Workforce, also suggested to “use what you’ve got to adjust to new security requirements.”
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