Your agency sends and receives many emails, including notifications like renewals that must go out on schedule. Do your staff miss important deadlines when reminder notices go out late? Automated notifications prevent common problems:

  • Staff miss important deadlines.
  • Staff spend time manually sending emails to coworkers and constituents.
  • Missed deadlines subject agency to possible litigation.
  • Constituents receive important information late.
  • Agency receives pressure to update system.
  • Significant backlogs build up.

Automated notifications offer solutions

Use a system with automated notifications to solve the common problems associated with manual notifications. Send automatic emails, triggered by rules your agency sets, including the updating of a license status or the receipt of a new or an incomplete application. In addition, send email notifications on a prescribed schedule.

Store notifications along with related records in the system. This feature provides an important audit trail and saves filing time for your agency. Another helpful feature includes conversation-style tracking, storing all replies to a notification.

Benefits of automated notices:

  • Staff save time.
  • Notifications send automatically.
  • Staff meet deadlines.
  • Constituents receive information.
  • Your agency earns trust.
  • Agencies reduce backlogs.

Features to look for

When looking at how to send notifications on time, some key features to look for in a system include:

  • Stores notifications with related record.
  • Offers conversation-style tracking.
  • Triggers notifications based on any user-defined criteria.
  • Sends notifications at desired time intervals.
  • Tracks the number of notifications sent.

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