Does your agency send out notifications manually? If so, you know how much staff time this requires. To operate efficiently, a system should allow users to use automated email notifications. Use automated, scheduled emails to help prevent the following common problems at your agency:

  • Significant backlogs that are difficult to overcome
  • Excessive staff time devoted to manual email delivery
  • Staff miss important deadlines
  • Constituents receive important information late
  • Missed deadlines subject agency to possible litigation
  • Agency receives pressure to update system

Automated emails offer solutions

Automated notices ensure notifications go out at the right time. Rules set by your agency help to trigger automatic emails, including the updating of a license status or the receipt of a new or an incomplete application. In addition, your agency can send email notifications on a prescribed schedule.

Store notifications along with related records in your system. This feature provides an important audit trail and saves filing time for your agency. Conversation-style tracking stores all replies to a notification.

Benefits of automated emails:

  • Agencies reduce backlogs
  • Staff save time
  • Notifications send automatically
  • Staff meet deadlines
  • Constituents receive timely information
  • Agencies earn trust
  • Agencies save postage

Features to look for

When selecting automated notifications for your system, some key features to look for include:
  • Stores notifications with related record.
  • Triggers notifications based on any user-defined criteria.
  • Generates alerts individually or in batches.
  • Sends alerts to internal or external stakeholders.
  • Alerts users of incomplete requirements or invalid information.
  • Alerts users of missed renewal dates.
  • Emails associated fee amount with a direct link to payment website.

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