Decreasing Licensing Delays at the Wisc. Dept. of Safety and Professional Services
The Wisconsin Assembly passed several bills aimed at improving the system for issuing professional licenses—a system “plagued with delays since the start of the coronavirus pandemic.” The measures, according to PBS Wisconsin, such as doubling the time licenses remain in effect from two to four years, focus on reducing licensing backlogs at the Department of Safety and Professional Services. The legislation now heads to the senate.
ChatGPT Helps Physicians Speak to Patients with Empathy, Simplicity
Investigators at the University of Texas at Austin used ChatGPT to help physicians write to patients—with simplicity and empathy. The team used artificial intelligence to craft a response at a 5th grade level for patients who need help with drinking too much. According to Becker’s Hospital Review on June 12, some physicians regularly employ AI; Isaac Kohane, PhD, for example, a professor of biomedical informatics at Boston-based Harvard Medical School, has used AI to “quickly evaluate if patients qualify for a federal program for people with undiagnosed diseases.”
Nev. Pharmacy Boards Licensing Requirement for Out-of-State Pharmacists Reversed
The Nevada legislature reversed the Nevada Board of Pharmacy’s rule that required a Nevada Pharmacist License for out-of-state pharmacists who provide prescriptions to Nevada patients; according to JD Supra on June 9, Assembly Bill 107 clarifies that Nevada no longer requires Nevada licensure for those out-of-state pharmacists who dispense or compound prescriptions for Nevada residents. The legislation now requires a non-resident pharmacy to provide the board with “the name of at least one registered pharmacist who practices at the pharmacy, who may be the managing pharmacist or another pharmacist.”
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