CISA Releases Updated Infrastructure Protection Guide for State Planners

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) released an updated guide for infrastructure protection for state planners. The Infrastructure Resilience Planning Framework helps state governments safeguard critical systems and facilities. According to StateScoop on November 23, “among the updates is a guide for finding geospatial data on critical infrastructure assets from the Department of Homeland Security’s Homeland Infrastructure Foundation-Level Data collection and other data sources.”

WaTech Proposes Legislation to Modernize Legacy Technology Systems

Washington Technology Solutions (WaTech), the state’s technology agency, proposed legislation to establish an IT modernization fund. The legislation creates a “legacy modernization fund” to give grants to state agencies. Washington state CIO Bill Kehoe said, “If governments are going to move forward with transformation of their services to the public, they must have a plan to modernize their legacy systems,” according to GovTech on November 28. Kehoe made his comments during a Coffee with Bill podcast episode.

Tenn. Children’s Services Sees ‘Horrific’ Staff Turnover

According to Margie Quin, commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Children’s Services, nearly half of the department’s staff quits within their first year; she called the turnover rate “horrific.” The department reports a 47.7% turnover for first-year case managers in fiscal year 2023. During a November budget meeting, reported The Tennessean, Quin requested additional funding to raise departmental salaries, with $15.8 million for case manager salary increases. 


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