GL Solutions’ newsletter features a Q&A with a representative of one of our company’s client agencies. Responses can be edited for clarity and brevity.
Sabrina Hines (left) appears in this 2019 photo with former exchange student Ana Ojanguren.
Q: What does your agency do?
A: The Alabama Board of Cosmetology and Barbering is a regulatory board that processes applications for examinations and licenses for barbers, cosmetologists, estheticians, instructors, manicurists, natural hairstylists and threaders.
Q: What is your role within your agency?
A: I am an accounting technician for the agency who does all aspects of the accounting functions within the licensing database. I am also the database coordinator. I wear other hats within the agency, but these are my main roles!
Q: How long have you worked for your agency?
A: April made 17 years with the Cosmetology and Barbering Board.
Q: What aspect of your job do you find the most rewarding?
A: Being able to work with others in the office and determining what can make things easier on us. I also enjoy being able to interact with others and getting their input to see what they think can make things better.
Q: What is your favorite hobby or pastime?
A: I love sports – most of all, all things Auburn! I love to travel and have a newfound love for cruising. I have always loved to bowl!
Q: How long has your agency used GL Suite?
A: We have used GL Suite since 2005, so going on 15 years.
Q: How does your agency use GL Suite?
A: We utilize GL Suite for many things: as a licensing database, exam certifications, document uploads and archives, hearings and complaints, license verifications, inspections of shops and schools and accounting fees.
Q: What aspects of your job or those of your colleagues has GL Suite made easier or faster?
A: Having availability in real time, with GL Suite hosting our database, has made things a lot easier. All entries in the database are instantaneously available for licensee search, inspections, letters and document uploads.
Q: What else would you like people to know about you, your agency or GL Suite?
A: GL Suite for your agency is only as good as you make it. Always be sure to explain, in detail, what you want and need when creating a task or project. I was never happier to have someone return to GL Suite when I learned Agency Partner Steven Wood was back! He is an excellent person and a joy to work with. I am thankful to have him on my account!