If anyone deserves labor-saving technology, it’s licensing specialists with child-services agencies. There are so many demands on their time they often struggle to keep up with work. But if they make a mistake, a child could be placed in a dangerous foster home or behavioral health facility.

The sheer volume of work is one problem. Another is the complexity of the tasks specialists perform regularly. And then there’s the difficulty of teaching new employees how to manage investigations, process corrective action plans and so on.

Add built-in software guides that walk staff through complicated processes.

Interactive software guides provide step-by-step instructions. Every step corresponds to an action needed to compete the process. Some steps require manual interactions (enter inspection information, for example) and others feature automated actions (the system will display all scheduled inspections).

Highlight the current step, to help staff track their progress.

Business processes can be completed without using Process Guides. But they’re invaluable for new and developing staff and useful for experienced staff who want to confirm their steps.

Learn more

Contact us to learn more how GL Solutions’ Process Guides can help your child care agency – or any type of regulatory agency.

Editor’s note: Post updated in June, 2023.

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