It’s time to bring licensing and permitting into the 21st century. We guide you in modernizing your regulatory agency with automated digital licensing and permitting solutions tailored to your unique needs.

Protect the public and regulate properly by streamlining and integrating your agency’s tracing, background check, and weapons permitting functions.

Fully automate your claims management process. Our configurable case management application adapts to your unique needs and workflows.

Protect the lives of children by streamlining and automating your agency’s regulatory functions. Our highly configurable child care licensing application adapts to your unique needs and workflows.

A revolutionary approach to true agency modernization, our Agency Transformation service is the next step in the evolution of GL Suite— for current and new customers alike.

Learn how GL Solutions guides you from your current operational state to a digitally transformed future.

GL Solutions Regulatory Newsletter 05.02.24

GL Solutions Regulatory Newsletter 05.02.24

Read the latest news and solutions for regulatory agencies in GL Solutions’ weekly newsletter. Our featured stories: What Makes Child Care Licensing Different? Most States Still Lag in Background Checks for Child Care Workers Key Differences Between StateRAMP and...

GL Solutions relies on our experienced, knowledgeable employees to achieve our mission to help governments run, grow and adapt. But we couldn’t do everything we do without valued industry partnerships.

Q: What do you like most about working at GL Solutions?

A: The agencies we provide software to have vital missions that protect the public. It’s fulfilling knowing that I had a hand in a foster child being placed in a safe home, or a firearm background check running fast and accurately, or a practicing professional being held to a high standard.

Q: What is your title and how long have you worked at GL Solutions?

A: My title is Product Development Manager and I have worked at GL Solutions for 11 years.

Q: What sort of work do you do each day to meet GL Solutions’ mission: help government agencies protect the public?

A: I help GL Solutions identify the challenges and opportunities that face our customers now and in the future. Then we determine how we can solve those problems through software and once we decide on a course of action we design and build the new product or feature.

Q: What is something most people don’t know about you?

A: Instead of a relaxing honeymoon my wife and I thought it would be “fun” to spend 4 days climbing a mountain in Indonesia. We used money made from trading bitcoin to fund the trip.


Read more about us. And subscribe to our newsletter to receive client and staff interviews, along with regulatory news, in your inbox each week. 

Run, Grow and Adapt

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GL Solutions helps governments run, grow and adapt. To learn more, explore our website, call us at 800.930.1193 or email us at

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